System and Information Security Laboratory

System and Information Security Laboratory

Head of System and Information Security Laboratory:Ir. Gatot Budi Santoso, M.Kom.
Laboratory Technician:Faiz Kumara, S.Kom.

System and Information Security Laboratory Profile

It is a laboratory that supports the activities of the academic community such as carrying out education and teaching theory and practice courses (mandatory) and courses (electives).

Compulsory CoursesElective Courses
Data SecurityDigital Forensics
Big DataMobile Device Security
Cloud ComputingInternet Security
Physical security and
Access Control

In addition, the System and Information Security laboratory also conducts research activities as the second part of the tridarma of universities such as research in the field of:

  1. Cryptography
  2. Vulnerability assessment
  3. Data security
  4. Digital forensic
  5. Data analytic
  6. Hacking methodology
  7. Cloud computing services, and
  8. Big data analytic

The third tridarma is community service is also carried out on a scheduled basis every semester in the System and Information Security laboratory by collaborating with external parties such as community groups and expertise such as:

  1. Safe and Healthy Internet Training
  2. Hacking Ethics Training
  3. Network Security Training
  4. Security System Design Training

System and Information Security Laboratory also facilitates student activities such as participating in the race:

  1. National Digital Forensic
  2. Huawei ICT Competition in Cloud Computing category

Other supporting activities are in the form of webinar activities that invite educators and professionals to provide webinar materials in the field of security such as webinars in 2021 “Strengthening Organization Cyber Security Protection Through Offensive Security” by Rusdi Rachim CISO Indosat, and student guidance activities in 2021 through the Bangkit Merdeka program, which takes the topic of cloud computing.

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